Keeping Your Sanity During the Pandemic as a Parent


As the pandemic continues, support for one another is becoming more and more important. There are funny memes everywhere talking about the changes and how hard the transition has been for families. Here are the top 5 things we recommend for “keeping your sanity” during the pandemic!

Time Outside Alone or Together

Right now more than ever, it is important to get outside for some sunshine and fresh air as often as possible. As a family, there are plenty of safe activities to do outside together. As we keep receiving the news that most summer activities are not opening up, it is time to get creative! Hiking trails are a wonderful option. There are so many beautiful parks in the Twin Cities to take advantage of. Family bike rides are always fun too! On hot days, break out the sprinkler or kiddie pool.

Spend Time Alone

As times have changed, we are all at home more than ever. There are many positives to all of this quality time with our loved ones, but it is also a huge adjustment! Be sure to spend time alone. If you can sneak away for a walk or a drive thru coffee (or heck, maybe an ice-cream!), do it! And maybe after that coffee, spend some extra time alone drinking it!


Exercise is always a must for mental health. If you haven’t started yet, start now. It eases stress and anxiety and fills you up with all of those lovely feel-good hormones. It doesn’t have to be anything special. Walking, biking or running is always great. If you aren’t into those types of exercises, look online. YouTube has wonderful videos for all levels. There are also hundreds of apps you can choose from. (Try Tone it Up.) It doesn’t have to be long; 20 minutes of exercise every day or almost everyday is all it takes!

Connect with Friends

As restrictions are loosening, more people are meeting up with small groups of friends outside, while sticking to social distancing. Friends and family have been sorely missed and if you are able to, schedule something. If you are more comfortable at home, use video chat and have a gathering. It isn’t perfect but it helps more than you’d think!

Date Night

You may already be spending more time with your partner or spouse right now than you are use to but date nights are different and NECESSARY! Again, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy but anything is better than nothing. During this time, you may feel uncomfortable with babysitters. If so, put the kids to bed early and make it a point to spend some quality time together. Play a game, watch a movie, have an at home candle-light dinner or dessert. Tension can feel heavy right now and it is important to remember to spend time together as a couple outside of your new daily routine.


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