Getting Your Family Back on Track After Summer

It is bittersweet as the end of Summer approaches. (More bitter than sweet in Minnesota!) With this transition into Autumn, families have to adjust to schedule changes, school starting, etc. This can be easier if you ease into this phase of the year. The following are some tips that may be helpful:

1. Start the day with a good breakfast that includes protein. We have all heard the importance of a good breakfast. For kids, it is very important to eat a good meal before a full day of learning. Including protein in meals will help tide you over until snack or lunch. Here are some simple ideas even for the pickiest eaters!

  • Eggs, bacon/sausage and wholegrain toast or breakfast burritos

  • Pancakes or waffles cooked with protein powder, these can be made ahead of time and frozen

  • Fruit smoothie with protein powder

2. A good night's rest is essential. Children between ages 6-11 need 9 to 11 hours of sleep per night, while teens need 9 hours. Ideally adults should strive for 7-9 hours. In this day and age of electronics and constant stimulation this can be hard for some families. Here are some tips:

  • Start a bedtime routine and follow it diligently each night, even on weekends if possible.

  • Turn off the TV and electronics at least one hour prior to bedtime as this is very stimulating to the brain.

  • Read a book or have your child read a book before bed.

  • A sound machine can be soothing as well as diffusing essential oils.

3. Add a supplement or two to your family’s diet. Adding supplements into your diet can help with immunity, nutrition and brain development. It is important to buy quality supplements; a good place to look is your local co-op. Here are some supplement options:

  • Multi-vitamin: a food based option is a great choice, we also like the Smarty Pants brand.

  • Vitamin D-3: This will help keep immunity strong.

  • Fish Oil: We love Nordic Naturals. The children’s capsules are small, chew-able and kids love the taste. We also like the adult version of this brand.

4. Make space for family check ins. Does your family have a regular time to check in with each other? This could be during after school snack, family dinner or bedtime.

  • Learn to talk about emotions and how to manage emotions

  • Set aside a specific time each day

  • Create a safe space in your family for everyone to be heard

5. Schedule physicals. Many schools require a physical to be done before school starts. Appointments fill up fast! If you have yet to make these appointments, Health Foundations Birth Center + Women’s Health Clinic does see female patients as young as 5 for physicals. Typically appointments can be made fairly quickly. Call us today to make an appointment, 651-895-2520.


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